Data protection

The protection of your personal data is of particular importance to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the applicable legal provisions (GDPR, DSG, TKG). With this data protection policy we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing on our website.


This privacy policy applies to the use of all services and information offered on and therefore also refers to the use of all sub- and sub-pages.

Processed data

  1. We process all data that you as a user voluntarily provide in order to use our services (e.g.: registering for the newsletter, uploading data to company profiles and your personal profile, etc.) based on your consent to provide the services you use. The processing is carried out on the basis of the user agreement, which must be accepted as a prerequisite for using individual services on our websites.
  2. The data you provide is required to fulfil the contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures. Without this data, we cannot conclude and/or carry out the contract with you. (e.g.: we process your data to create and transmit orders, to create and send your access data, etc.). The consent given can be revoked at any time. A revocation means that we will no longer process the data from that point onwards. To revoke your consent, please contact:
  3. We process data that is publicly known (sources: e.g. homepage of the respective company; publicly accessible directories such as the commercial register).
  4. All entries and information that reach us by filling out forms offered on our websites are stored.
  5. We process data when you register or log in to one of our services. For example, when you sign up for the newsletter, sign up/register for the community, etc. We process this data in the following use cases: IP address, time of access, contract version of the data protection policy and terms of use to which you have agreed. This data is not published or passed on to third parties and is used for the purposes of internal documentation, legal documentation requirements and combating misuse.
  6. Data through web analysis: Our website uses functions from web analysis services. Cookies are used to enable analysis of the use of the website by its users. You generate this data through the use of our services and under certain circumstances it is possible to establish a personal reference. You can prevent this by setting your browser so that no cookies are stored. The collection of data helps us to offer all users - that is, interested parties and providers - a user-friendly, efficient and secure internet service. In particular, we use the data to monitor the flow of visitors and to carry out analyses of the performance of the website. The data is then evaluated in order to be able to optimize the content with regard to user behavior and to prevent possible misuse. This data is stored indefinitely, but at least for as long as it is necessary to provide the services. The following data is collected for this purpose: your IP address, time of access, previously visited pages, browser type, installed software and device type.

Services we use to process data

We use cookies (see point 2. f). Cookies are small text files that are stored by a website server on the user's computer or other devices for internet use. The user's web browser sends these cookies back to the website each time they visit. This makes it possible to identify the user when they visit the site again and to save information about user preferences. Every user is free to delete the cookies stored on their computer or to ensure the appropriate browser settings. If cookies are deactivated, the functionality of our website may be restricted.

Web usage data is passed on or provided to our service providers as part of a defined request. Service providers to whom we provide data to fulfill orders are obliged to use the data lawfully and securely. This data may only be used as part of the request given to them. All necessary data security measures are taken.


You have the option of subscribing to our newsletter service. To do this, we need your email address, your name and your declaration that you agree to receive the newsletter service.

In order to provide you with targeted information, we also collect and process voluntarily provided information such as your date of birth, company name, position, telephone number, address, city and country.

As soon as you have registered for the newsletter, we will send you an email with a link to confirm your registration. From the moment you confirm the registration link, you will receive the subscribed newsletters from us on the respective publication dates.

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. To stop receiving the newsletter, either use the unsubscribe link at the end of each newsletter or send us your informal cancellation to the email address .

Other transfer of data to third parties

We only pass on personal data to third parties if this is necessary to provide offered or agreed services or to transmit information.

Other websites

Please note that this privacy policy no longer applies when you leave via a link and access another website. This particularly applies to websites to which there is a link on

Data transfer and data security

As is well known, the transmission of data over the internet and its storage is not 100% secure. We make every effort to protect transmitted data. However, the security of data transmitted to us cannot be fully guaranteed. Any transmission of data by the respective user is therefore at their own risk. Strict security regulations and procedures as well as security functions are implemented for received data in order to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing it.

The operators of are not liable for data requested by users from the Internet, nor for emails received (nor for viruses contained therein). They are also not liable for services provided by third parties, even if the user accesses them via a link from the website. The user acknowledges that using the Internet is associated with many uncertainties (e.g. viruses, Trojans, attacks by hackers, compromise of WLAN systems and mobile devices, etc.). It is the responsibility of each individual user to decide what data they view and/or download onto their computer.

Storage period/deletion period

We store your data until we receive a request for deletion. Excepted from this are data that originate from a contractual relationship; these are stored in accordance with legal requirements (§132(1) BAO, §§190, 212 UGB, §18(2) UStG) until the end of the 7th year after they were created.

Your rights

You can request information on the data stored about you at any time and without giving reasons free of charge. To do so, please contact

The data subject has the right:

  1. to request confirmation as to whether personal data concerning him or her are being processed and, where appropriate, to request information about those personal data (right of information);
  2. to request the immediate rectification and, taking into account the purposes of the data processing, the completion of the personal data concerning him or her (right to rectification);
  3. to request the immediate erasure of personal data concerning them; this request for erasure must be complied with in the cases provided for by law (right to erasure, right to be forgotten);
  4. to request the restriction of processing in the cases provided for by law (right to restriction);
  5. to receive the personal data concerning him or her in a structured, common and machine-readable format. The user has the right to transmit this data to another controller without hindrance or, where technically feasible, to have it transmitted directly (right to data portability);
  6. Furthermore, the data subject has the right to object at any time to data processing for the purpose of direct marketing with effect for the future (right to object).

The responsible supervisory authority in Austria is the Datenschutzbehörde.


Responsible party with regards to the Data Protection Act:

MN Advertising Service GmbH Brehmstraße 10/4th floor 1110 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 919 20-0

As of 02.05.2024