Das Kunstmuseum Waldviertel

Key facts at a glance

  • Barrier-free toilets
  • Barrier-free entrance
  • Barrier-free reception
  • Assistance dogs allowed
  • Reduced admission
  • for people with visual impairment
  • Easy or simple language
  • Special tours & offers
  • Rental of rollator/wheelchair


Mühlgasse 7a
3943 Schrems
Lower Austria
Open address in Google Maps
March-June and September: Tue-Sun, public holidays 10:00-17:00
July, August: Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00
October-January: Wed-Sun, public holidays 10:00-17:00
€ 7.90 for people with a disability card
€ 5 for assistant
Prices for inclusive tours and workshops: flat rate for tours € 30, workshops depending on material and duration approx. € 25 to € 30


Ruth Schremmer, mag.arch.
+43 (0)2853 72 888


The Waldviertel Art Museum is one of the most extraordinary museums in Austria, with annually changing exhibitions, a sculpture park and creative offers for all age groups. Nature and art merge into a harmonious universe on 12,000 m². The work of the artists and museum founders Heide and Makis Warlamis forms the basis of the collection and shapes the positive atmosphere of the entire area.

Barrier-free accessibility

Entrance: Main entrance and side entrance (terrace), garden exits and entrances

Inside the building: Lift, toilet, cloakroom

In exhibitions: Smooth and easy to walk and drive on floors

Inclusive guided tours and offers

Target group-specific tours: Guided tours in simple language

Including workshops: Workshops for people with special needs by arrangement

Sensory mediation aids: Some works (paintings, sculptures) may be touched or felt.