Volkskundemuseum Wien

Key facts at a glance

  • Barrier-free toilets
  • Accessible website
  • Barrier-free entrance
  • Assistance dogs allowed
  • Reduced admission
  • Special tours & offers


Laudongasse 15–19
1080 Vienna
Open address in Google Maps
opening hours
closed for renovation until June 2026
free for people with disability cards
free for assistant


E-mail address


The Folklore Museum will be closed from October 2024 to June 2026 due to a general renovation of the museum building. During this time, the museum will move its activities to the Otto Wagner Areal in Vienna's 14th district. The information on accessibility and inclusive educational programs relates to the museum building before the closure and will be continued or updated after the reopening. The temporarily used Otto Wagner Areal is NOT barrier-free.

The Vienna Museum of Folklore is one of the largest international ethnographic museums with extensive collections of folk art and historical and contemporary everyday cultures in Europe. A permanent exhibition and changing special exhibitions deal with a wide range of topics related to living together in a constantly changing world. The museum uses regular events, interventions, performative art, theater projects, cooperation with NGOs, research and public science projects, online collections, online publications and social media channels for an active, critical and participatory discussion.

Hearonymus-Audioguide Kurzinfo - Volkskundemuseum WienHearonymus audio guide

Physical accessibility

The temporarily used Otto Wagner site is not barrier-free. After the general renovation, the museum in Laudongasse will be barrier-free from 2026 and will be designed to be barrier-free in all areas.

Accessible information and content

To listen: The audio format “Hörgang” opens up new ways of looking at and listening to the permanent exhibition at the Vienna Folklore Museum, which can be heard at www.audio.volkskundemuseum.at.

Multimedia: Online collection on the website

Seal of approval

  • Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
  • Austrian Museum Quality Seal