Jüdisches Museum Hohenems
- Schweizer Strasse 5
- 6845 Hohenems
- Vorarlberg
- Open address in Google Maps
- Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00
- € 5 for people with a disability card
- € 5 for assistant
- Prices for inclusive tours and workshops:
- € 8 for 1.5 hours
- € 9 for 2 hours
- € 10 for 3 hours
- Angelika Purin
- mediation@jm-hohenems.at
- +43 5576 739890
- jm-hohenems.at
The Jewish Museum documents four hundred years of history: the development of the Jewish community of Hohenems since 1617 and its heyday in the 19th century, the regional history of anti-Semitism and the end of the community under National Socialism, the debate about memory and taboos, but also the new beginning of Jewish life after 1945.
Physical accessibility
In exhibitions: Seating in the exhibitions
Accessible information and content
As audio texts: All wall texts and documents can be heard via the audio guide.