Knappenwelt Gurgltal und die Heilerin vom Gurgltal

Key facts at a glance

  • Barrier-free toilets
  • Assistance dogs allowed
  • Reduced admission
  • Kulturpass: Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur
  • Partially barrier-free entrance
  • Partially barrier-free reception


Chirgant 1
6464 Tarrenz
Open address in Google Maps
opening hours
Wed-Sun 10:00-17:00
€ 5 for people with a disability card
€ 5 for assistant for wheelchair users: free


E-mail address
Telephone number
+43 5412 63023


Mining shaped the entire Gurgltal for centuries. Working underground was not without danger, but it secured the livelihood of many families. In the Gurgltal Miners' World you can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of local mining and the hard life of the miners. Various buildings illustrate mining, the various fields of work and social life in the past. Another highlight is the Healer's Museum. This is dedicated to an extraordinary discovery from 2008. At that time, a woman with over 181 grave goods was discovered in the Strader Forest - she was probably not a simple woman.

Hearonymus-Audioguide Kurzinfo - Knappenwelt Gurgltal und die Heilerin vom GurgltalHearonymus audio guide

Physical accessibility

Inside the building: Wheelchair accessible toilet is available.

In exhibitions: The exhibition of the healer from Gurgltal is completely barrier-free.